Pre-Employment Screening Rochester NY

Find out the facts to help you make better decisions in your professional and personal life. We offer several background check packages based on your needs. Our background investigations include. Internet Search, Public Records, Interviews, Surveillance, Arrest Records, Alias Names, Bankruptcy Filings, Criminal Records, Convictions, Corporate Ownership, Driving Records, Domain Name Ownership, Judgments, Relatives, Lawsuits, Military Background, Past & Present Addresses, Prisoner Information, Property Ownership, Phone Numbers, Professional Licenses, Real Age, Sex Offenders, Tax Liens, U.C.C. Filings, Vehicle Ownership. Marriage/Divorce Records, Death Records.

Pre-Employment Screening Rochester

Save your company money by making smarter, more well informed hiring decisions.  Mission Possible Investigations investigators can identify false information on résumés and notify you as the employer so that you can make the best decision in your hiring practices. Mission Possible Investigations conducts extensive background investigations for large and small employers including investigative interviews if needed. Pre-employment screening can include but not limited to the following records. Name, Address & SSN Verification, Degree Checks/Education Verification, Concealed Weapons Permit Search,  Federal Firearms & Explosives License Search, Bankruptcy Filing Search, Character Reference Interviews, Corporate Search Records,  Criminal Records Search, Civil Court Record Search, DBA Ownership Search, Drivers License Search, Driving Record Search, Previous Employment and Earnings Verification, Professional Licensing Verification, Telephone Number Verification,  Sexual Offender Search,

Tenant Screening Rochester

Are you sure that your tenants aren’t going to damage your property or skip out on rent after you sign a lease agreement with them? It’s important to know your tenant’s history before you rent to them.  Mission Possible Investigations can help you determine if your potential tenants have criminal history. Mission Possible Investigations can conduct background checks and verification of references. Mission Possible Investigations also conducts locate investigations on dead beat tenants who have skipped out on paying rent, damages, etc.

Call today for a free confidential consultation with a licensed Private Investigator at 518-708-1219 or email us at [email protected]